No, the surveillance cameras in Annecy are not out of order !
Following the fire at Annecy City Hall on November 14, the city’s video surveillance system was damaged. Indeed, the whole device was completely destroyed. What is the situation today? ?
Cameras out of order ?
It is true that after the fire that destroyed a good part of the city hall of Annecy, in November, the surveillance cameras were out of order. The video surveillance viewing center, which includes about fifty 360-degree cameras, has ceased to be functional. This was a major concern for Annecy, which is on the list of the most surveilled cities in France.
A quick reaction
Nevertheless, it took less than a fortnight for the entire system to be relocated to Boulevard Decoux. Since then, it is fully operational. The operators are on duty and view the images sent by the cameras, 24 hours a day.
A good number of Annecy residents remain in doubt and ask themselves questions about the security of the city and the functioning of the surveillance system. It is with certainty that we confirm today that the entire system is in perfect working order and that the city hall has quickly taken the lead, in order to put the city’s video surveillance system back into operation.
Annecy, a city more and more under surveillance
In six years, the number of public surveillance cameras has increased significantly. Indeed, according to the study realized by “La Gazette des Communes”, cities invest more and more in video surveillance devices and multiply their number of cameras. So, Annecy is the fourth most watched city in France, with a 493.5% growth since 2013.
As a result, there is an average of 210 cameras per 100,000 inhabitants, or one camera for every 460 people.
The fire of the town hall
Following the fire at the end of last year, on November 14, 2019, the city of Annecy suffered a blow when its video surveillance system was out of order. It took a little time for the city hall to reorganize itself, despite a quick reaction to the event. Employees were relocated within four days, either to nearby town halls or to rooms.
The renovation has begun
The work is in progress and should last a few years. Indeed, with the roof 90% destroyed, the building must be completely renovated. This complete renovation, as well as the reorganization of services, requires time and should take about two and a half years.
Urgent problems, such as the video surveillance system, were dealt with quickly.