Oblikon supports : Centaur Chronicles !
This is the first time that such an article has appeared on Oblikon, but believe it or not, it is worth it ! You like comics ? You like the golden age of comics ? Well, this post is for you, giving you the opportunity to participate in a campaign that is very close to our hearts: the Centaur Chronicles campaign.
What is Centaur ?
From 1936 to 1942 were published the Centaur comics in the USA. Yes, you read that right, 1936. At that time, no one was there Batman, nor DC Comics were born (the publisher dates from 1937, the masked hero from 1939) ! Based on a pool of superheroes, Centaur did not survive the 1940s, yet some characters inspired the greatest, such as a certain Green Arrow…
The Centaur Chronicles project
What is the project? Centaur Chronicles ? Well, it’s very simple, the characters of Centaur having fallen into the public domain, it didn’t take much more for an idea to germinate in the head of Jean-Michel Ferragatti, Comic book enthusiast since childhood: Bringing Amazing-Man and the Centaur characters back to life.
Based on recolored golden age episodes, Centaur Chronicles, these will be alternated with a new story, propelling the heroes into our contemporary world. Thus, the golden age and the present will intersect, one feeding the other.
The Centaur Chronicles team
Behind the idea and the scenario of Centaur Chronicles, we find Jean-Michel Ferragatti (jmf) that fans regularly read in Comic Box. In the drawing, we find in particular Marti (Hoplitéa), Reed Man (Fantask Force) as well as Jean-Marie Minguez (Exile) on the cover.
In order to bring this project to life, a participatory Ulule campaign has been opened (http://fr.ulule.com/centaur-chronicles/), allowing you to get the first volume of Centaur Chronicles as well as numerous counterparts, notably some of the achievements of Chris Malgrain (The Formidables) and Geoffo, artist at Marvel Multimedia. Excuse me a little.
To tell you the truth, the redak has already seen a few clips of Centaur Chronicles…and really, we are curious to see the continuation ! The link between golden age and contemporary is fluid, reminding some very Watchmen passages, while drawing original heroes and updated. In short, we support Centaur Chronicles !